Banana Monster Mash Skewers
These monstrous banana bites are almost as fun to make as they are to eat.
What You Need:
- 3 large bananas, cut into 1 ½ inch chunks
- 1 cup nonfat vanilla Greek Yogurt
- 2 Tbsps powdered sugar
- 8 oz of shredded unsweetened coconut
- Natural Food colorings of choice
- 30 candy eyes
- Parchment paper
- 15 skewers
How It’s Made:
- Slide each banana chunk on a skewer, making sure not to puncture the other end.
- Lay each skewered banana on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze for about an hour. Meanwhile, mix shredded coconut and food coloring together (each color in a separate bowl). Set aside.
- In a small bowl, mix together frozen yogurt and powdered sugar. Once bananas are frozen, dip them into yogurt mixture and roll them in coconut. Place them on lined baking sheet.
- Return to freezer for at least 1 hour to allow yogurt to set.
- Place candied eyes on monsters immediately, dabbing on extra yogurt, if needed.
Serving Size: 15
Nutritional Facts:

Calories 75
Total Fat 4g
Chol 0mg
Protein 1g
Sodium 5mg
Total Carbs 9g
Fiber 2g
Sugars 5g
Ready to Start Shopping?
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