Bee Knowledgable
With Spring flowers in full bloom the bees will soon be buzzing all around. The bees have not only been busy in the garden with Spring Blooms, they have also made it on to our shelves! With honey and Bee Pollen galore the Market aisles are buzzing. Honey and Bee Pollen are both delicious and nutritious, so why should you pick some up next time you shop? Learn about iit below.
All About Honey
Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees through using the nectar of flowering plants. Honey is largely made up of sugar but also contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and zinc. Benefits associated with honey include reduction of inflammation, cough suppression and wound care. Great ways to incorporate honey into your diet include in teas, glazed on biscuits or scones, in dressings or baked desserts.
All About Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is made up of saliva, nectar, and plant pollen. Since pollen can come from different plants including buckwheat and maize the makeup of pollen can vary depending on the region it is sourced. Pollen is made up of up to 50% complex carbohydrates but also includes other components such as: lipids, proteins, sugar, vitamin C, phytochemicals, and flavonoids. Some of the health benefits that have been associated with Bee Pollen include decreased inflammation, and easement of premenstrual syndromes. Some animal studies also found bee pollen improved wound healing, promoted immunity and increased longevity. Great ways to incorporate bee pollen into your diet including it as garnish in your yogurts, chia puddings, acai bowls or smoothies.