
Black Bean Avocado Toast

Black beans and avocados combined?! This nutrient-dense recipe is off to a delicious start! Let’s start with Black beans – these little guys are great sources of iron, potassium and folate. Like other legumes, black beans are prized for their high protein and fiber content. One cup of cooked black beans provides 15 grams of fiber, which can help with weight management and reduce blood sugar spikes. Fiber is also strongly linked to a lower risk of many diseases.

Don’t be alarmed by the fat content of avocados. This delicious fruit doesn’t just contain any fat…the majority of the fat in avocado is oleic acid. The same monounsaturated fatty acid that is the major component of olive oil has been linked to reduced inflammation and has been shown to have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer. Try this delicious twist on toast for a breakfast that’s easy on the blood sugar.

Black Beans and Avocodo Toast


Foil or parchment paper

1 medium beefsteak tomato, cut into 4 slices

¼ teaspoon cumin

½ tablespoon olive oil

2 pieces of multigrain or seeded bread (I recommend a sunflower bread), toasted

1 small avocado

½ of a lime, juiced

salt and pepper

⅓ cup low sodium canned black beans, rinsed



1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

2) Line a small baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. Spread the tomato slices out across the baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and cumin. Roast tomatoes for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.

3) While the tomatoes are roasting, smash the avocado in a small bowl. Add in the lime juice, salt, and pepper, to taste. Stir in the black beans.

4) Slather the toasts with the avocado mixture and top each with 2 slices of roasted tomato.

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