
Black Eyed Pea Pico

I don’t know about your family New Year’s Day traditions but my family required us to eat cabbage, black eyed peas and tamales. It was said to bring good health, good wealth and luck (not sure in what order honestly). So in continuing with this tradition this festive and fiber-full dip can help satisfy one of the checklist items. Use this for a late night appetizer or morning after breakfast tacos!

What You Need

2 cans Black Eyed Peas

1 small Onion

1 can Rotel

½ tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

½ tsp. Garlic powder

½ bunch cilantro

 How It’s Made:

  1. Rinse and drain black eyed peas
  2. Drain juice from rotel
  3. Dice onion
  4. Roughly chop cilantro
  5. In a bowl combine all ingredients and serve

Serves 8

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 58
Total Fat 0g
Protein 2g

Sodium 150mg
Fiber 3g
Carbohydrates 12g

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