
Deviled Eggs

A party favorite with a Halloween twist. Lighten up your next ghoulish batch of deviled eggs with avocados and avocado mayo for a tasty twist and don’t forget the horns. This appetizer is not only cute, but filling and functional. Eggs are a nutrition powerhouse with all their micro and macronutrients for all ages.

What You Need

6 Eggs

½ Medium Avocado

2 Tbsp. Avocado Mayo

1 Tbsp. Dijon Mustard

½ tsp. Garlic Powder

¼ tsp. Paprika

Salt and Pepper as Desired

¼ Red Bell Peppers

 How It’s Made:

  1. Boil a medium pot of water

  2. Add eggs in for 13 minutes

  3. Let eggs cool down and gently roll the egg to break the shell without 

  4. To a bowl, add eggs, avocado, avocado mayo, Dijon mustard, garlic powder, paprika, and salt and pepper as desired

Serves 12

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 254
Total Fat 20g
Cholesterol 53mg
Sodium 74mg

Carbohydrates 4g
Fiber 0.5g
Sugar 3g
Protein 14g

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