3 Ways to Love Fitness

Fall in Love With Exercise

Does the idea of getting 30-minutes of exercise a day activate your gag reflex? You’re not alone. According to the CDC, 80% of U.S. adults aren’t getting the recommended amount of weekly exercise. We get it—exercise isn’t always fun. Especially if your only experience with it includes an embarrassing tryst with a BowflexⓇ that has long been banished to the garage. If this sounds a little too accurate, don’t sweat it because we’re about to share a nugget of wisdom that may not have been imparted to you in middle school gym class: When it comes to falling in love with exercise, it’s okay to date around.

Below you’ll find three of our favorite ways get down in exercise town to inspire you to add 30-minutes of heart-pumping action to your everyday.

1. Organized Classes

Group fitness classes offer a clever combination of comradery and peer pressure to help you see your workout to fruition. If this sounds like the kick in the pants you need, we recommend grabbing a few of your closest pals and signing up for an indoor cycling, kickboxing or barre class STAT.

2. 30-Minute Circuits

“I want to find time to exercise, but there aren’t enough hours in the day.” Sound familiar? Then we have good news! Right now, 30-minute, high-intensity workouts are all the rage. Sneak half an hour in before work to feel great all day long.

3. Online Workout Videos

Not interested in going to a gym? Then bring the gym to you with online workout classes! With the help of a stable internet connection, you can unlock access to fitness apps and YouTube channels like Barre3Ⓡ, PelotonⓇ, AasicsⓇ, Nike FitⓇ and many more!

Source: CBSNews

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