Five Ways You Can Keep It Fresh
As the saying goes, you are what you eat. Make sure you’re keeping it fresh by kicking tired food to the curb and picking up these healthy alternatives.

Rethink Mayo
When it comes to cutting down on fat and calories, mayo is no friend of yours. Swap it out for non-fat Greek yogurt instead Instead to “skinnify” your meal while bolstering it with protein!
Use Your Veg Head
Instead of chips fortified with vegetable powder, pick up ghea vegetable packets for an extra helping of fiber!

Think Inside the Can
Did you know there is little nutritional difference between canned and fresh tuna? Make the switch to add a little convenience to your routine without sacrificing your health!
Swap Crunch for Cups
Craving something salty? Pass over that bag of chips for a to-go olive cup. This tasty snack will satisfy your craving without the extra carbs or unhealthy fats.

Keep it Real with Lunch Meat
When choosing lunchmeats, look for the ones that are nitrate-free by stopping by Market Street’s deli counter. Give Boars HeadⓇ products a try, they have a great selection including some gluten-free options.

Download our quarterly guide for more wellness tips from Market Street’s Registered Dietitians.

Everything you need to embrace a healthy lifestyle is waiting online or in-store.