
Get Your Skin Ready for Spring

Our skin is the largest organ we have and preparing it for different seasons is key. You might notice the skin becomes more dry in winter and oily in summer. So, let’s talk about ways to nourish our skin to be springtime ready!


Staying hydrated is critical during all times of the year. From a cellular level it keeps you mentally sharp to your skin bouncing back and creating a natural glow. Aim for about ½ your body weight in ounces of fluid per day to maintain all the benefits of staying hydrated.


Keeping along the same lines of hydrated, using a moisturizer can be beneficial in retaining moisture and maybe even creating it depending on your face’s needs. You might need to switch to something lighter in the summer months to let your skin “breathe” a little more and perspire if it needs to.


To prevent aging at a cellular level start using sunscreen in your 20s and use it daily. Most dermatologists recommend this as step one. So let’s say you’re well past your 20s and you want to delay further signs of aging, again, use sunscreen. We are out in the sun a good majority of the time in the south as temperatures are 80-100 and let’s not forget about those summer vacations coming up. Start creating the habit now so that when summer does come, it will be second nature to you.

Natural Makeup & Skincare

Look in our Living Well aisles for better for you brands and makeup with benefits. Like SPF in your loose powder for when you need to touch up in the middle of the day or one of my favorite skin care brands, DERMAE, for truly great ingredients.

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