
Hatch Cheese Grits With A Fried Egg

A “rib-sticking” creation that can be made ahead of time that is filled with all the Texas flare of green chiles and local salsa!

What You Need

  • 1 c. instant grits
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 oz goat cheese
  • 2 oz parmesan cheese
  • 1, 4 oz can hatch green chiles
  • 6 eggs
  • Optional toppings: salsa, green onions
  • Salt and pepper

 How It’s Made:

  1. Boil water on high and add grits then reduce to medium heat
  2. Once water has evaporated add in goat cheese, parmesan cheese, and hatch green chiles
  3. Fry eggs in a separate pan
  4. Divide grits into 6 portions and add 1 fried egg on top of each
  5. Garnish as desired

Serves 6

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 225
Total Fat 10g
Protein 14g

Sodium 326mg
Fiber 1g
Sugars 1g

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