
Hummus and Veggies in a Jar

There is nothing like homemade hummus and this delivers! Divide it out into containers and stack in a few vegetables for an easy portable snack.

 How It’s Made:

Place chickpeas, tahini, lemon, garlic, cumin, salt, water and olive oil in a food processor for 3 minutes.

Cut 1 large carrot, ½ bell pepper, and ½ cucumber in long strips.

Place 2 Tbsp. of hummus in the bottom of the jar and veggie strips to follow upright. 

Serves 2

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 118
Total Fat 5g
Chol 0mg
Protein 3g

Sodium 177mg
Total Carbs 14g
Fiber 4g
Sugars 6g

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