
Quick Mini Brain Cupcakes

Another fun and easy hosting hack coming your way with this recipe. It’s not really much of a recipe but more of a portion sized fun craft project. Grab the mini cupcakes from the bakery and a few other items you might already have hidden in your pantry to up your hosting game.

What You Need

12 mini cupcakes with white frosting

Red Food Coloring

 How It’s Made:

  1. Scrape off icing into a bowl
  2. Add as many drops of red food coloring into the icing as desired for your perfect shade of brain pink and mix
  3. Add icing to a plastic bag and cut off a small part of the tip to pipe it out
  4. Draw two lines down the center of the cupcake and then squiggly lines on the opposite halves

Serves 12

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 120
Total Fat 5g
Protein 0g

Sodium 70mg
Fiber 0g
Carbohydrates 14g

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