
Favorite Ways to Reclaim Family Time at Dinner

September is all about family meals and refocusing on that time. Not only do we have quick meal options in-store and recipes online, but this week we thought it would be fun to share some of our favorite ways to reclaim family mealtime.

Give Everyone A Job.

Everyone contributing to the meal cannot only help with getting dinner on the table quicker but can be valuable teaching moments, foster conversation and make the meal more enjoyable

Conversation Starters

Do you feel like the same questions are asked at the dinner table every night? Try creating a jar with popsicle sticks with topics that are fun and interesting to get the conversation going. 

Create Experiences

Make your dinner time unique with themed meals. Dress your table like you’re eating in a fancy restaurant in Paris, France. Have the family contribute by dressing up for the special occasion.

Car Eating Games

We’ve all been in a situation where there seems to be no time between events. So the next time you are in the car try a fun game like the license plate game or I-spy or would you rather and why.

On-the-Go “Picnics”

Ever feel like you are shuffling kids to events? Make those events special around dinner time. If you like eating before an event get to the place a little early, bring a picnic basket and blanket with the food and have meal time together there. The same thing goes for after, while you still have their attention and they can start digesting their food on the way home, which might make for an easier bedtime.

Ready, Set, Shop!

Get everything you need to prep smart online or in-store.