
Want to Exercise? There’s An App For That

Need a date? There’s an app for that. Need a meal delivered? There’s an app for that. Need a workout? There’s an app for that. Our phones are becoming more than just talking and texting and we love it! There are so many apps out there for getting in a workout but we’ve rounded up our top three to help you try something new that might work to help jumpstart a lifestyle change.

Nike Training Club

Reasons we like it: you can use it anywhere, anytime, sometimes equipment is needed, you can choose the time length as well as type of workout (cardio, strength, stretching), and has great instructional videos.

Seven – 7 Minute Workout

Reasons we like it: you can use it anywhere, anytime, no equipment needed, and it’s just 7 minutes.

Down Dog

Reasons we like it: you can use it anywhere and anytime. One of the easiest to use and complete yoga apps on the market, it’s a convenient and adjustable way to start or maintain a yoga practice.