Yoga 101

Yoga 101: How to Go with the Flow

Take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Feel that? You just gave your mind permission to pass the reins over to your body. It feels good, doesn’t it? In a world where many of us live in daily circuits that rely solely on the mind, finding balance in the body is not only an immensely beneficial stress reliever—it’s also necessary for your mental health. One of our favorite ways to do this is on the mat during a healthy yoga practice.

Finding a practice that works for you is like offering your mind a cool glass of water. It gives your brain a break from stressors, gives your body the attention it craves and will leave you feeling connected and refreshed.

Start your  journey toward inner peace (and use your yoga pants the way God intended) by finding your practice with this comprehensive cheat sheet of yoga styles.

Yoga difficulty scale
Beginner Yoga

Hatha (Ha-tha)

What is this?

Hatha, or Hatha Flow, is a style of yoga that pairs gentle poses with breathing patterns.

Why it Rocks:

Breath is the foundation of a successful yoga practice, making a Hatha practice an ideal foundation for a lifetime of yoga.

Beginner Yoga

Kundalini (Kun-da-li-ni)

What is this?

A Kundalini practice is founded on connecting body to spirit by combining opening poses with chants and mantras.

Why it Rocks:

Kundalini offers spiritually cleansing classes that can help you set powerful intentions for your day-to-day. It may be difficult at first to get comfortable with this particular style, but once you do, you’ll find solace in the acceptance and open mindedness of the yogic community.

Moderate Yoga

Iyengar (E-yen-gar)

What is This?

Iyengar is a traditional yoga style that encourages body alignment and stamina by fortifying poses with blocks, straps, and other equipment.

Why it Rocks:

An Iyengar class will build strength and stamina in a manner that’s approachable to yogis of all ages, levels, and shapes.

Moderate Yoga

Bikram (Bik-ram)

What is This?

Bikram, or hot yoga, classes are founded on a series of 26 poses performed routinely in a room heated to roughly 100-degrees F.

Why it Rocks:

Hot yoga burns a ton of calories while speeding up your metabolism and increasing blood flow to the body!

Advanced Yoga

Ashtanga (Ash-tan-ga)

What is This?

Ashtanga yoga offers a full-body cardio workout by honing in on a variety of poses that flow with your breathing patterns.

Why it Rocks:

When a regular practice is put in place, Ashtanga yoga will leave you feeling strong and toned.

Advanced Yoga

Vinyasa (Vin-ya-sa)

What is This?

Vinyasa classes are fast-paced and designed to promote continual movement throughout the body.

Why it Rocks:

A Vinyasa practice can help build strength, flexibility, balance and stamina.

Tips for Beginners

  • Don’t over-do it. If you start feeling exhaustion creeping in, take a child’s pose—we promise nobody will think anything of it.
  • Minimize pressure on your palms when going into down-dog or yogi plank by pressing your fingers into the ground. Your palms will thank you.
  • Rub a few droplets of your favorite essential oil into your palms before class. The oil will sink into your mat, introducing aromatherapy into your practice.

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