
Orange Pumpkin Fruit Cups

Allergy friendly candy options during halloween can be so tough to sort through. At the surface level looking to avoid the top 9 allergens is what we are after to keep our little trick-or-treaters safe. This can be in the form of food, treats, or “toy” items. If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution this halloween that is food focused we suggest orange fruit cups that are packed in 100% juice. Get the kids involved and color on silly faces, jack-o-lanterns, or write a message! See some of our favorites below.


Want to read up a little more on other allergy friendly halloween options? We’ve got you covered below:

Teal Pumpkin Classroom Friendly Snacks

Quick Guide To Teal Pumpkin

Teal Is The New Orange

How To Make Halloween Less Scary For Food Allergies

Allergy Friendly Candy